Monday, November 10, 2014

RIP-Donald Stookey: inventor of #CorningGlass


Have you heard of Don Stookey? no? me neither. I never heard of Don Stookey until today when I was reading an article on Yahoo about this great inventor: Scientist who developed CorningWare dies in NY  Mr. Stookey died few days ago at the age of 99. We all benefit from his inventions today, including the resistant glass teapots we sell.

The story goes when Dr. Stookey was testing a piece of glass plate, he accidentally heated the oven to 1600F, instead of 1100F. And the result surprised him-instead of a melting piece, he found a milky white plate, fotoform glass, the first strong, heat resistant glass ceramics.

I used to own few pieces of CorningWare, which normally have very thick glass walls. They are super easy to use and make a beautiful display. This reminds me that I should visit Corning Glass Museum!!It'd be fun to spend few days at the Glass museum...

pic from corning glass museum

RIP Mr. Stookey!!

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