Thursday, July 19, 2012

Healthy Recipe Watermelon black tea ice pop (sugar free, salt free, 3 ingredients or less, dairy free, egg free)

You must have read the Burger King news that one of their employees took a picture of standing on vegetables. That's crazy, isn't it? I agree with one of the comments:
"Before firing he should be made to eat it."

 Fruit pops
Naturally flavored iced tea
 Lemonade green tea
 How to make iced blooming tea
How to make iced tea
Iced Mint Green tea

Daiquiri Fruit (stevia and green tea)
Mint muffin (banana, whole wheat flour, oat meal)
Fruit Kebab
Strawberry Smoothie (3 ingredients or less, strawberries, peanuts)
Kiwi Ginger smoothies

It reminds me a true story-When I was very young, my sister, brother and I always fought for food. We always wanted to hold more food than we could finish. Sounds familiar? My brother one day got an idea-he spit in the whole pot of rice and claimed, this is all mine!!! And he did finish the big pot of rice, in front of the whole family;)) He never did it again;))

So the morale of the story is eat at home, yall!

The last few days has been so humid!! I bought a giant watermelon. Need to finish it. So I created this recipe-just so easy and yummy!!

Benefits-keep ya cool, besides vitamins, juicy, and yummy! Great Party ideas!

4 cup watermelon cubes
2 cup black tea (strong)
5 dates

1. Remove the seeds from the dates and cut in small pieces.
2. Add watermelon and black tea in the food processor. press "mix". i like the chunky kind of style. if you prefer more smoothie feel, use "liquify"
3. Pour the liquid mixture into muffin mold. You can use your popsicle mold. Since I donot have one, I decide to use the muffin pan.

4. Evenly add few pieces of dates in each "muffin". Put in refridge.
5. Wait roughly 3 hours or slightly longer until it gets a bit firm, add a handle in each muffin. 
6. When ready, put the muffin mold on something warm, such as hot water, and you can easily take them out


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