Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yoga Tuesday Best Yoga instructors

Yogi in the air

 This pose is called Yogi in the air!;) I did believe it though! Cats can do that too?!  

  Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God.~ Krishnamacharya

That's too complicated! I just completely surrender to god!

Friday, August 24, 2012

TGIF Funny dance

Dancing with the stars

I don't know why Michael Phelps had that face? Is it because a man picked him up or he won the 23rd gold medal in Ballet? But this picture is really funny!! He might be a great dancer if he wanted to be!

Wife, in laws and dog
2012 Olympics
Yoga quotes
Bad Economy
Frog Yoga
 Marylin Einstein
July 4th quotes
Blow job
Yoga Time 2
Yoga Quotes
Yoga time doggy style
Happy Tuesday Yoga Time 1
How to make iced tea
Iced Mint Green tea
Daiquiri Fruit (stevia and green tea)
Mint muffin (banana, whole wheat flour, oat meal)
Fruit Kebab

 It reminds me another dancing clip I watched on Youtube.com. You would not believe it!! This dancer perfectly fits the horror movies! You will know what I mean!


There was a dance teacher who talked of a very old dance called the Politician. "All you have to do" she told her class "is take three steps forward, two steps backward, then side-step side-step and turn around." 

Funny Dancer Snow Whites
 Dancing weekend?!!


Friday, August 17, 2012

TGIF Cutest Panda

Cutest Panda-wake up cutie!

You are not the only one who senses the hot summer this year! But Panda knows his way to stay cool!!

Where did you go this Summer to cool off? I swim in my iced tea pool!! How does that sound? I think very cool!

Friday, August 10, 2012

TGIF Surf Like a dog

pretty like a dog via

What's your plan this weekend? I heard Sunday suppose to be very nice!!! Surfing like a dog is my plan!!!Check this funny dog-he can surf better than me....I'm still practicing it in my bath tub;)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Yoga Tuesday Panda yoga

Can you do this?

 I finally decided to change "Happy Tuesday" to "Yoga Tuesday" after 153697633241 minutes of consideration, 45697 times self-discussion and numerous Yahoo practice. It is inspired by the images from Martian Mountains by NASA's Curiosity.

Friday, August 3, 2012

TGIF Wife, in laws and dog

A man was walking down a street one day and saw a most unusual funeral procession. First came a black hearse. Fifty feet behind was another black hearse. Fifty feet behind that was a man wearing a black suit and walking a big dog. And fifty feet behind the man with the dog was a single file line of 100 men, all wearing casual clothing and laughing and smiling.

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